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Thursday, October 29, 2009 4:03 PM

Hey all. Nafisah here. Hmph... had my English, Malay and Math already. They were kinda tough. I already knew my malay marks. But I don't want to tell you, viewers. I just want to keep to myself. Hehe.. I'm actually suppose to be studying my Science for tomorrow. But I want to study with my mum. I hate studying by myself. These are some RANDOM pics. Don't care whether it's weird or not. Who cares? So, gotta go now. Bye!

"To accomplish great things, we must dream as well as act." -Anatole France

Sunday, October 25, 2009 3:00 PM

Hey everyone,

Wassup? Feeling gd? I'm not. I'm having my end-of-year exams tmrw. Boohoo. The only one sitting for higher malay. Sad isn't. I will have no one to discuss answers with except for my teacher of course. Then, sitting for English on Tuesday.. Malay on Wednesday. MATHS on Thursday. The school's math standard is so high! For my SA1 I scored 82.5 over 100. I was happy but not for CA1 and CA2. My marks were SO LOW!! Then Science on Friday. Hmph... I have no idea what to do. Gotta go now. Remember to link me and add me! Thanks!

FYI: I'm the one in the purple dress not the one in the brown one. That's my sis, Riana. Wanna see her blog? Click on Riana in the links column :)
Signing out, Nafisah :D

25 October 2009
3.14pm "The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge." -Daniel J.Boorstin

the gal's profile.♀
upload pictures
Upload pictures N A F I S A H
♪ There's nothing wrong with my name .
♪ I found out that my name means Precious Gem in Arabic.
♪ If you hate me, click on the red [X] button on the top right-hand corner please! Thank you.
♪ CHIJ OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE is where i learn & make new friends .
♪ 240998 was my first cry .
♪ Plays the piano.
♪ HUGE Boys Like Girls(BLG) fan !
♪ lazy to elaborate more , just add me or link me OR even tag me .
♪ MSN : nafi_chicken@hotmail.com
♪ * I have no idea why i named that for my email *:D
♪ Add okea .
♪ I'm now feeling very....The current mood of nafisah at www.imood.com
♪ Become a millionarre
New Sneakers
New Earphones
My Own Room
New Specs
♪ BLG merchandise
♪ Taylor swift Fearless Album
♪ Happiness in lyfee
♪ More clothes
♪ Grow taller
♪ Pass my exams wiff flying colours :D
without a single word.

ShoutMix chat widget

great escapes .§

♪ Rin Amirah
♪ Kakak Nani
♪ Ahmad
♪ Haida
♪ Marianni Sharif
♪ Nur Dhalina
♪ Rachael Ng
♪ Nur Liyana
♪ Charmaine Ong
♪ Kimberly Kieseker
♪ Laurentia Khoo
♪ Charmaine Tay
♪ Valerie Chua
♪ Sheena Yong
♪ Rachel Low
♪ Kakak Kinah
♪ Kakak Riana
♪ Mardhati
♪ Nurul Hidayah
more great escapes .§

♪Martin Johnson's blog
♪Boys Like Girls myspace
♪Boys Like Girls website
♪Paul DiGiovanni's myspace
♪John Keefe's myspace
♪Martin Johnson's myspace
♪Bryan Donahue's myspace
♪Boys Like Girls' Youtube Channel"


October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

some cool songs i love.

Click on the song and you can listen to it.
1. Love Drunk (original)- Boys Like Girls
2. Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift
3. Love Drunk (piano cover)- Boys Like Girls
4. Boys And Girls - Pixie Lott

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

thanks .

blogskin of invalid.love