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Friday, November 27, 2009 12:53 PM


Thursday, November 26, 2009 1:17 PM

Yaw dawg.
So bored! I just feel like going to school!!! hmph..... Or maybe somewhere! Hmphhh.... I AM SO BOREDDDD!! BOREDOM IS SOOOOOO TAKING OVER!! Hmpphhhhh... I am also missing my friends in school...
guess that's all.

"Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment." -Baltasar Gracian

Wednesday, November 25, 2009 11:55 AM

Hey all,
Feeling very very very bored!!! Hmph..... This Friday is Hari Raya Haji... See people cutting sheep. There's actually nothing to post. I'm just feeling very bored....  Guess that's all. Bye!

"Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends." -Czech Proverb

Sunday, November 22, 2009 2:55 PM

Hey hey hey,
I went to NUS cultural hall just now. My younger brother performed for his pre- school graduation. It was kinda fun but there were babies crying out loud and it was irritating man! Then, I met my pre- school friend. She had grown big. Not suprised... My brother's friend will be going to my school next year. Hehe... Currently at home doing nth. Boring! Thought of going to Marianni's house during the school holidays. But my mum said it's far and no one can fetch and send me there. My dad said that I always have to go to her house it is not fair for me to go there everytime. Hmphh...... Guess that's all for now!

"The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want" -Ben Stein

Thursday, November 19, 2009 6:25 PM

Hey everyone.
Just finished watching Paranormal Activity. It was DAMN SCARY!! My cousin said that it would be hard forher to sleep as all the spooky stuff happened when the characters were sleeping. Urghhh.... So scary!

Tmrw is Speech day. Boring! Going home at 11am. My parents will be coming to see me receive my prize by guest of honour. Hehe. My teacher gave me 5 sets of homework!! Hmph.... 2 sets of Maths, 2 sets of Science and 1 set of English. Better get started or else my holiday would be a month for REVISION!!! That's all. Bye.

"Life is a foreign language; all men mispronounce it." Christopher Morley

Wednesday, November 18, 2009 9:30 AM

hey wassup dawg,

I'm in school. Mrs Ong not here so Mrs Woo took us to Computer lab to do Maths on Lead.com . Kinda bored, so i decided to post something on my blog. I am SOOOOOO BORED!!! Nothing else to post. Hmpph.... There's gonna be another rehersal today after 2nd recess. I'm so sick and tired of rehersals!! I guess that's all for now!

"You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." -Beverly Sills

Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:30 PM

Heylo viewers,
Nafisah here. No school today. It is marking day which means teachers discuss which class they will put you into next year. Went to polyclinic for a flu jab. Then, went to kranji to buy some potted plants and soil. Bought plants like the chilli plant and tomato plant. cool. Currently, listening to Fireflies by Owl City. Had the malay post- exam activities yesterday. Recieved first prize but still supported for other groups. cause we win together and lose together. Our friendship motto. hehe. That's all for now.

Nafisah. =]
"You always pass failure on the way to success." -Mickey Rooney

Sunday, November 1, 2009 9:53 AM

Hey everyone. Currently listening to love drunk. Hehe. Yay! I've finally finished my exams! I feel so good. Here are more random pics!

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." -Antoine de Saint-Exupery

the gal's profile.♀
upload pictures
Upload pictures N A F I S A H
♪ There's nothing wrong with my name .
♪ I found out that my name means Precious Gem in Arabic.
♪ If you hate me, click on the red [X] button on the top right-hand corner please! Thank you.
♪ CHIJ OUR LADY QUEEN OF PEACE is where i learn & make new friends .
♪ 240998 was my first cry .
♪ Plays the piano.
♪ HUGE Boys Like Girls(BLG) fan !
♪ lazy to elaborate more , just add me or link me OR even tag me .
♪ MSN : nafi_chicken@hotmail.com
♪ * I have no idea why i named that for my email *:D
♪ Add okea .
♪ I'm now feeling very....The current mood of nafisah at www.imood.com
♪ Become a millionarre
New Sneakers
New Earphones
My Own Room
New Specs
♪ BLG merchandise
♪ Taylor swift Fearless Album
♪ Happiness in lyfee
♪ More clothes
♪ Grow taller
♪ Pass my exams wiff flying colours :D
without a single word.

ShoutMix chat widget

great escapes .§

♪ Rin Amirah
♪ Kakak Nani
♪ Ahmad
♪ Haida
♪ Marianni Sharif
♪ Nur Dhalina
♪ Rachael Ng
♪ Nur Liyana
♪ Charmaine Ong
♪ Kimberly Kieseker
♪ Laurentia Khoo
♪ Charmaine Tay
♪ Valerie Chua
♪ Sheena Yong
♪ Rachel Low
♪ Kakak Kinah
♪ Kakak Riana
♪ Mardhati
♪ Nurul Hidayah
more great escapes .§

♪Martin Johnson's blog
♪Boys Like Girls myspace
♪Boys Like Girls website
♪Paul DiGiovanni's myspace
♪John Keefe's myspace
♪Martin Johnson's myspace
♪Bryan Donahue's myspace
♪Boys Like Girls' Youtube Channel"


October 2009
November 2009
December 2009

some cool songs i love.

Click on the song and you can listen to it.
1. Love Drunk (original)- Boys Like Girls
2. Two Is Better Than One - Boys Like Girls ft. Taylor Swift
3. Love Drunk (piano cover)- Boys Like Girls
4. Boys And Girls - Pixie Lott

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

thanks .

blogskin of invalid.love